European Researchers Meet to Tackle Non-CO₂ Emissions

Image: Kian Karimi, PhD candidate Utrecht University. Giulia De Felice PostDoc researcher Eindhoven University of Technology. Dr. Matteo Gazzani, Utrecht University.

On February 6th, experts from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Utrecht University (UU) joined forces in Eindhoven to advance the Horizon Europe REPAIR project!

The meeting focused on integrating results from Work Package 1 (WP1) with the modeling efforts in Work Package 2 (WP2). It also included lab visits at TU/e and valuable exchanges on aligning methodologies to ensure a seamless connection between the two work packages. This four-year, cross-border initiative—led by KTH Royal Institute of Technology—brings together nine European organizations to tackle non-CO₂ greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane.